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Beer & Chocolate paradise

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Back to normal life!

After the celebrations, the presents, the euphoria, the begs for more parties... jejeje, I had to start studying. Yes my friends, my few subjects are really hard and have a looooooooooot of theory, so I better start taking it seriously. At least a little! So starting this last week, I've studied 3 hours per day, normally the range of hours that before I spent for the dutch course: from 13.30 till 16.30, moreless. I can get up late, eat lunch with my neighbours and in the afternoon I still have time for other activities. And of course I can go out :D!

The week has been quite good. With lunch in Lidia's house on tuesday (by the way, nice appartement!), lessons in Monday and Wednesday, relaxed (but with a lot of pintjes!) night in the erasmus party on wednesday with Gabriel, Iñigo (cousin) and Gaika (friend).

On thursday staying at home with Laura, and on Friday very nice party in Gabriel's appartement. He's living in one week!! But first he wanted to give a party ;). Nice people, nice place...

And yesterday night (saturday), as a lot of people were in "De Ardennen" (grrrr I couldn't get a place), I met Agnès and Mercè, and finally we had the "llenties" evening! Mmmmmm... delicious!! We have to repeat that! I attach here some photos of it.

And today, in 12 minuts, starts the recording of the first sample of "Marranes", the funky international band of Gent, with me in the drums, of course (h) xDDD. Uoooooo, I'm nervous!If you would like it a copy when is finish, ask me!

What's up next week??


Una foto del senyor que ens deixa. We will miss you, Gabri!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Birthday party review

Hi people!

The party last saturday was really nice! At least for me! Nice people, nice music (jejeje), nice drinks, good atmosphere and funny kiss game! xDD Thanks to people that took the game seriously, it was real enjoyment!
The english speakers were there, so nothing else to explain in english. Just take a look to the photos and to the video ;-).


Després del sopar amb les veïnes (dilluns 13), tocava la festa! La vaig fer aquest dissabte passat, dia 18. Vaig decidir fer-la dissabte pk tots els meus veïns piraven a casa els papis (ja sabeu, són belgues) i així no molestava a ningú.
La festa va ser de puta mare :D. I va tenir força èxit! Entre 60-70 persones, moltes begudes (m'ha quedat una ampolla sencera d'absolut...mmmm..jjeje), bona música ( Em vaig currar una selecció de cançons dels 80 i alguna coseta bailongui més. Ja sabeu, al pur estil funky que m'agrada, però tb amb les típiques de Village people o versions punk-ska de les mateixes. Els portaré a barna x fer la famosa i mítica festa funky al lokal!) i amb un joc durant la festa. És que no podia faltar (ehhh Mar). Com en altres festes ja havien fet el joc dels gomets de colors (que si solter, casat o a mitges), i també el de que cadascú té un numaret i llavors et pots enviar missatges, doncs em vaig decidir pel joc dels petons! Cada persona té un gomet. Però n'ha d'aconseguir 10 si vol un premi. I a fer petons als demés per aconseguir els seus gomets!! Però només a la gent amb gomets del teu color!
Hauríeu d'haver vist la penya boja per fer petons, casi forçant-te si no et deixaves xDDD. I com jo tenia els gomets, doncs feia el que volia xDDD.
No sé, simplement un festival!! Fins a les 3 de festa grossa, i després més de xerrameca tranquil·la amb els últims que quedaven. Fins les 5. Bona hora.

PERÒ NO US PERDEU EL MILLOR: AIxò que em llevo pel matí, allò de les 12.30, sentint una aspirador i soroll de gots a la cuina. I penso "merda, algun veï que ha tornat abans d'hora i necessita la cuina. I l'està netejant una mica". I com em sentia culpable, vaig treure el cap a veure qui era. I era la senyora de fer feines!!! Que havia vingut en diumenge aquesta setmana (cada setmana ve un dia diferent, quan li rota). I vaig seguir dormint, dubtant si només netejaria algunes parts. I quan em vaig llevar a les 14.30, TOT, absolutament TOT estava net. Increïble! EL millor regal d'aniversari que mai m'han fet. Amb diferència xDD! Tot net, ordenat... ohhhhh, ni en el millor somni de ressakós post-festa a casa teva. I la Kasia, que m'havia ajudat a preparar la festa, quan va venir a ajudar-me a recollir, va flipar tb, i ens vam posar a saltar i cridar emocionats de que tot estava com una patena. Quina xamba que vam tenir! :DD
Bé, us deixo amb algunes fotos, i també amb el video d'explicació del joc dels petons, que és molt divertit xDD.

Cuideu-vos companys!

Per cert, visites comfirmades:

·12-15 desembre ---> Dani de Tennis (ho sento, mai et trauràs aquest cognom xDD)
·13-18 Febrer ---> Nish
·24-25 Febrer ---> Adrià Rieradevall
·9-11 Març ---> X i Y (X m'ha demanat que no digui res, pk Y encara no ho sap)

Merci als que veniu. Dani, ets el proper, prepara't jejejej

Petons i abraçades!


PS: des de la festa estic com més content, no sé... :) (I això que abans ja ho estava, però mira..)mola

Imatge de la festa, a la cuina. Hi havia llum vermella-lila, encara que no es vegi :P. Minda (from Lithuania) in the right side, Maciej's (from Poland) head in the left-bottom corner xDD. He was really drunk :P

Little Mercè. Funny picture! Mercè, don't leave at the end of november!

Anna (from Granollers) and me. I didn't expected the photo... so, you can understand my face xDD. But I like the photo :-).

Bati, a turkish guy. You should see how this guy handles with a camera, video-edition... amazing!

--->I should say that the photos and the video were taken by Anna, with my camera<--

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Un cop ja complerts....

Pel pesat del Robet, apa, que és pesat de collons però reament es mereixia que pengés aquesta foto. De quan ell va fer els 20 anys, ara fa un any i 4 mesos!
Viejo, que ets un viejo!!! :PPPPPPPPPP

Already 20 years old, here some photos sent from friends, family, from the dinner with my neighbours and friends yesterday night, others..

Thanks to all the people that remembered it! It's really a special year, being in Belgium. And don't worry if you forgot, cause I'm the first forgeting the birthdays! ;) (Did I forget yours?)

Per tant, faig una crida: POSTEGEU (o envieu-me un mail) dient-me quan és el vostre aniversari, que me n'he adonat que els tenia apuntats en un calendari (no em demaneu memòria, ja ho sabeu), però clar, el calendari està a bcn! I sense actualitzar!

My parents :)

The little dinner... from left to rigth: me, Liesbeth, Sebastian, [crazy] Liesbeth, [groenten] Jinse, Kasia and Katrien. Kasia gave me a "colage", and my neighbours (Liesbeth, Jinse, Ellen and Stefan) a big pot of Nutella (jojojo), Two packets of Pim's chocolate (mmmm) and a pair of nice and thick gloves!! :DDD. And Katrien brought a chocolate cake, a speciality from her (just one of them!)

La Nish!! Merci x la presentació en Power point! Però la foto una mica antiga, no?? jejeje.
She is coming the third week of february!! You will see, the most terrible partying girl xDDD.

Somebody asked me a photo of Laura.. Here a funny one!!

I saw this one and I couldn't avoid putting it! What a nice couple xDD! We miss you here, Pablo!! xDD. ALthough, as you know, his real name is Eudald! You can see that Eudald had already drunk some beers when I took the photo... jejejej That was in the beggining of october! How fast time goes on!

I'm still waiting for your photosss, people! I va sobretot pels amics de casa ehhhhhhh, i va per tothom, ningú se'n salva!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I arribaren les dues desenes... (And number two decided jo join me..)

In two hours!


Què us he d'explicar, no?

A previous and nice gift from my family:

Us trobo a faltar!


FELICITATS BERNAT!! Que sé que ho llegiràs demà (o això espero), així que ja ho poso aquí!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This time, Kasia and Quim's post!

Hello erasmus and friends and stupid people and others!!

Here we are with Kasia, writing some stupid words (it's the day of the 'stupid') and just having a relaxing but funny night!

Woooooowwww, we have new scarfs! DO you want to see them? (COme on Quim, we will take a photo with them).

One belongs to quim, another to Kasia (: ¬¬ what a stupid sentence) but in differents colors.

Kasia has been in Paris!! With Bianca and Katrien.

What's the story of the scarfs, Kasia? One a day Quim as sitting in the kitchen and then we were discussing with Katrijn (quim's neighbour) that Quim doesn't have a scarf, but wel a new winter jacket. So, Katrijn offered to do a scarf (she makes them. A lot of them, like grandmas).

And Finally, as Quim wasn't able to decide which colors, Katrijn made two. Quim choose one of them and Kasia managed to get the other one (jijijiji). [Kasia had been planning to get that scarf since Quim told her that Katrijn was going to make two. Did you think that Kasia was only that nice, funny, kind girl? NO! She has a dark side.... And finally today Quim has seen it]

Now only Quim and Kasia wear a special and original scarf in Gent. Another scarves don't count here. We are special and our scarves too:).

Ok no more about scarves for today!!!

: But wel about my hat (gorro en català, I don't know the english word for that). I have a tibetan hat! I always wanted one :D. You will see it in the picture.

Anything else Kasia that you want to add? "The only thing is that I'm jealous about your hat. I will go to Amsterdam (QUim: I bought it in Amsterdam!) to buy one.. jejeje"

See you, friends!

Kussen! Kisses!!Petons!Caluski!

Kasia & Quim

PS: the ones in the other picture are Kasia with Katrien (una noia americana, de Nova York)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Back from Amsterdam!

Hello people! Friday night, after 7 hours of bus (don't ask why :S), the amsterdam expedition arrived to Gent. But not without visiting first some city in Holland and also Antwerpen and Brussels (now you know why 7 hours, including the "traffic jam" in the highway).

After a loooooooot of time without smoking anything, Holland's ganja deserved to be tasted. But I'm not going to explain anything else about this, you are seeing it in the photos ;-). Only comment that Super Skunk, for me, was the best one! :D

The expedition was formed for 11 people. 4 italians (Estefano, Nicolo, Francesca, Emmanuela), 3 belgians (Miriam and Estefanie from Vallonië, and Elger from Vlanderen), 2 turkish girls (Ece and Sevcan), Minda (from Lithuania) and me (question for the erasmus people: where am I from? jejejej).

In a hostel in the middle of the Red light District, amusement was assured jejejeje!

We (at least I) enjoyed it very much and we even recorded a video!(you should see it! xDD)

I strongly recommend the jamaican coffieshop, with a rastafarian guy working there, reggae and dancehall music all the time and good and cheap weed. Perfect!!

Looking forward to coming back there!!

In fact I didn't do much photos (other people did a lot), so I hope in some days I will have more to post here!

En català només afegir que el viatge ha triomfat caxo, pk era amb penya que realment encara no coneixia gaire (alguns gens), i tot i ser 11 ens vam coordinar molt bé i no va ser un problema. Es poden explicar moltes cosetes més del viatge, així que només cal preguntar :P.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Marranes playing! Walibi too!

I promised photos, here are them. These two are from the first concert of the funky band (called 'Marranes' for that show, but probably going to be the definite name :S xDD).
The concert was in my building, organized by all the neighbours, and was a succes :D. THe police came, and that makes it even more succes xDD.

El concert va ser terrible, amb problemes a la guitarra i amb el plat caient-se tota l'estona. Però vaig riure molt, així que si més no va ser divertit. De moment encara sense cantants, però ja en tenim uns quants de mig fitxats, així que PAY ATTENTION TO THE NEXT SHOW!! (because I've said in catalan that we are going to have singers! Female ones, and beautifuls jejeje)

EL perquè de 'marranes' és molt senzill. A la meva habitació de l'edifici vaig posar un cartell que deia "Backstage. No marranes, abstenir-se" xDD. Hu sentu, ho havia de fer! Per una vegada que tenia alguna mena de backstage! I els hi va molar la paraula marranes als altres del grup (està clar k no ho entenien), i així va quedar :D.

And these one are from 'Walibi', the amusement park (parc d'atraccions) near Brussels.
Very very nice and thrilling, with a lot of nice roller coasters. Short ones but very intense.
THe roller coaster in the picture was, without doubting, the best. And the time we were (Gabriel, in the picture) in the first sits was amazing, hanging and without anything in front of you. Incredible :D.

The other picture is in the same place, with Kasia (we went there Gabriel, Kasia, Jordi, Vittoria, Lidia and me). The 'animal' touched first my 'perilla' (goat hair xDD) and then I decided to
touch his. Funny :-)

In one hour to Amsterdaam!!!!!!!!!!! A collir bolets! xDDDDD