Back from Amsterdam!
Hello people! Friday night, after 7 hours of bus (don't ask why :S), the amsterdam expedition arrived to Gent. But not without visiting first some city in Holland and also Antwerpen and Brussels (now you know why 7 hours, including the "traffic jam" in the highway).
After a loooooooot of time without smoking anything, Holland's ganja deserved to be tasted. But I'm not going to explain anything else about this, you are seeing it in the photos ;-). Only comment that Super Skunk, for me, was the best one! :D
The expedition was formed for 11 people. 4 italians (Estefano, Nicolo, Francesca, Emmanuela), 3 belgians (Miriam and Estefanie from Vallonië, and Elger from Vlanderen), 2 turkish girls (Ece and Sevcan), Minda (from Lithuania) and me (question for the erasmus people: where am I from? jejejej).
In a hostel in the middle of the Red light District, amusement was assured jejejeje!
We (at least I) enjoyed it very much and we even recorded a video!(you should see it! xDD)
I strongly recommend the jamaican coffieshop, with a rastafarian guy working there, reggae and dancehall music all the time and good and cheap weed. Perfect!!
Looking forward to coming back there!!
In fact I didn't do much photos (other people did a lot), so I hope in some days I will have more to post here!
En català només afegir que el viatge ha triomfat caxo, pk era amb penya que realment encara no coneixia gaire (alguns gens), i tot i ser 11 ens vam coordinar molt bé i no va ser un problema. Es poden explicar moltes cosetes més del viatge, així que només cal preguntar :P.

After a loooooooot of time without smoking anything, Holland's ganja deserved to be tasted. But I'm not going to explain anything else about this, you are seeing it in the photos ;-). Only comment that Super Skunk, for me, was the best one! :D
The expedition was formed for 11 people. 4 italians (Estefano, Nicolo, Francesca, Emmanuela), 3 belgians (Miriam and Estefanie from Vallonië, and Elger from Vlanderen), 2 turkish girls (Ece and Sevcan), Minda (from Lithuania) and me (question for the erasmus people: where am I from? jejejej).
In a hostel in the middle of the Red light District, amusement was assured jejejeje!
We (at least I) enjoyed it very much and we even recorded a video!(you should see it! xDD)
I strongly recommend the jamaican coffieshop, with a rastafarian guy working there, reggae and dancehall music all the time and good and cheap weed. Perfect!!
Looking forward to coming back there!!
In fact I didn't do much photos (other people did a lot), so I hope in some days I will have more to post here!
En català només afegir que el viatge ha triomfat caxo, pk era amb penya que realment encara no coneixia gaire (alguns gens), i tot i ser 11 ens vam coordinar molt bé i no va ser un problema. Es poden explicar moltes cosetes més del viatge, així que només cal preguntar :P.

what a enveja!
jo tb vaig estar al coffee jamaica...
veig que mr rastaman encara no sha jubilat. tres hurres per ell!
alguna mariajoana a destacar?
Anonymous, At
Hi Kim!
From Italy to see your blog...and no Amsterdam pictures with my face!!!
niet goed!!!!
I'm joking...(maybe!)
Kisses and see you soon!
Anonymous, At
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