Marranes playing! Walibi too!

I promised photos, here are them. These two are from the first concert of the funky band (called 'Marranes' for that show, but probably going to be the definite name :S xDD).
The concert was in my building, organized by all the neighbours, and was a succes :D. THe police came, and that makes it even more succes xDD.
El concert va ser terrible, amb problemes a la guitarra i amb el plat caient-se tota l'estona. Però vaig riure molt, així que si més no va ser divertit. De moment encara sense cantants, però ja en tenim uns quants de mig fitxats, així que PAY ATTENTION TO THE NEXT SHOW!! (because I've said in catalan that we are going to have singers! Female ones, and beautifuls jejeje)
EL perquè de 'marranes' és molt senzill. A la meva habitació de l'edifici vaig posar un cartell que deia "Backstage. No marranes, abstenir-se" xDD. Hu sentu, ho havia de fer! Per una vegada que tenia alguna mena de backstage! I els hi va molar la paraula marranes als altres del grup (està clar k no ho entenien), i així va quedar :D.

Very very nice and thrilling, with a lot of nice roller coasters. Short ones but very intense.
THe roller coaster in the picture was, without doubting, the best. And the time we were (Gabriel, in the picture) in the first sits was amazing, hanging and without anything in front of you. Incredible :D.
The other picture is in the same place, with Kasia (we went there Gabriel, Kasia, Jordi, Vittoria, Lidia and me). The 'animal' touched first my 'perilla' (goat hair xDD) and then I decided to

In one hour to Amsterdaam!!!!!!!!!!! A collir bolets! xDDDDD
segueixo pensant... massa anglès!
Que t'has oblidat d'escriure en català?
Que t'has oblidat dels que no tenim el first? (jejeje)
Ains ains ains... ara mirare bitllets d'avio, quan et va be que et faci una visita?! :)
petooooooooooooooooooooooons (piranya's power!!!)
Anonymous, At
ostia, parlant de concerts terribles... actuacio de dijous patetica, suposo que ja ho has llegit xD
vaig obligar l'Alba de bio (que ja no és arreplegada)a anar a buscar la gralla per tocar (fa com un any que la gralla no sortia de l'armari...), jo fe4ia la 2a veu (que no me la sé) i en Dani... en Dani és en Dani xD imagina't cxom va sortir... MAI havia fet un toc tan patètic... bé, ni un ni els tres que vam fer xD
menu menu, ja buscaré butllets, quina companyia em recomanes?
petons (de pianya?) als mugrons!!!
Anonymous, At
Nish, no val això de fer collejas pel metro! tramposa! heretge! :P
Anonymous, At
no es diu colleja, es diu calbot.
Pk vegis Nish que no estic perdent les arrels :D (almenys no del tot)
vernel, tb pots dir quelcom més ehhh.. :PP
Quim, At
It is a pitty that I can't understand those comments, but I do not care...
One thing, I am waiting for the next concert..schedule please:)
Now sth in polish...
Grzegorz Brzeczyszczykiewicz,
this is Quim's favorite polish sentence and actually it is polish male name and surname;).
Pretty easy, heh??
Anonymous, At
very good comment Kasia! xDD
But I didn't expect you to post in this post, because is not the last one and the one we did together is the last one. But ok, very funny anyway :DD xDD.
Next concert of Marranes, soon! And with singer!! :)))).
jajajaja, that's the best sentence in Polish ever! That you say with something pressing your cheeks! you (people) should see it! Who wants to learn Polish? It's seems a nice and easy language, right?? xDD
See you soon, Kasia jejeje
Quim, At
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