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Beer & Chocolate paradise

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pagar el preu de la paciència

Amb aquesta nova frase feta sortida de la boca d'en Vernel (Bernat en el documento nazional de identidad), començava una setmana de festa, bogeria, red light district gent i molta birra.

Bernat is one my best friends, also from Barcelona. He arrived on Sunday, which was a typical catalonian day. First we went to the cinema to see Salvador, a catalan movie (which was half catalan half spanish spoken, with dutch subtitles) and then we went to the pub Celtic Towers to see the Barça match agains Celta (3-1 :D). After that the catalan day was over and belgian beers arrived. mmmmmmm!
At night, while going back home: Glass district, or red light district Gent. Only two streets, only with people who really want to pay for sex, only Bernat and me. And he was really feeling cool there xDD. Or at least, natural. And I was the shy one.. you know.... jeje.

And today (monday) we visited Gent (walking and walking!) and not much more. We have already done Belgian timetables (lunch at 12h, dinner at 19h) [bernat was amazed with it, telling to everybody he found in the msn that we had had dinner at 19h xDDD]. And for the erasmus ones here is so nooooooooormal... or not? ;-). Eating when we are hungry, this is the rule when you are somehow independent ("emancipat").

Tomorrow Antwerpen, and the following days dinners, parties, reggae... :D.

See u people!

Vernel & Quim (do we repeat red light tonight? jejej)

Tribut al títol del blog...

De Mursia solo ay! una
Marina d'or, que és Guay!
última foto de barbuts
El Bernat és el del primer plano
Perilla que vuela, perilla a la cazuela!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Nova etapa..

[listening to Fermin Muguruza eta Dut]

February has a lot of meanings. Is the month without tail (28 days), the month of holidays for many students (fibers cabrooonns, que teniu 4 setmanes!) and a month between two erasmus periods.
There are three kinds of erasmus periods: the 1st semester, the 2nd semester, or going both (which is my case). And february is the month in the middle, when the first group leaves and the second arrives. Is it hard for those who leave, because they want to stay longer, but is also hard for those staying here, because we see how more than half of our friends leave and, although a lot of new people arrive, is not the same (come on!), they are in the situation we were almost 6 month ago, is like starting again the erasmus, but with them, with this new group of people, called the "2nd semester ones".
But is not that sad :). We (the ones staying the whole year) know that the best experiences for us still have to come. We will have time to know each other more and the "whole year" group will be the one with deeper relationships. Sure :).
But it will be a new stage within the big stage called "erasmus year", without Laura, without Kasia, without my catalan girls jiji (Anna[], Agnès, Mercè), without more people that already left (Gabri) and much more others; without that atmosphere/feeling of knowing almost everyone in most of the parties, without...
Good trip back home for those leaving! We will miss you!!
But with warmer weather (yes, I believe in that xDD. Maybe not in february, but in may...), with trips (I will explain later on), more parties, new experiencies, new people,... And a lot of friends coming to visit me!! :D. Next one, Bernat (Vernel per les senyores de fer feines)! On sunday!

So, this was the "deep" part of the post xDD. Now more normal things!

Trips trips trips!!

In two sundays (the 4th) an erasmus caravan is going to Venice, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia. FLipa colega! And "caravan" because we are seven, "tenim molta cara" and we will travel by van (cara+van=caravan ju ju ju). We fly to Venice, and at night we go to Ljubljana, where we rent the van. And then 6 days through all these countries, back to Ljubljana, train back to Venice, one night of carnaval there :D, and back to Belgium! I'm looking forward to it :DDDDDDDDDD. And with already some arrangements of meetings with local people in every country. Nice nice nice nice!

And in April, Norway (of course!). Oslo and Bergen are the next destinations. Wooooww! I didn't imagine my wish of visiting a lot of countries while being on erasmus would become real. More ideas :D? My thirst for travelling never ends! But maybe the money will... :S.. But I don't mind spending my money in discovering places, cultures, people...

And the question of the week!!!!!!!

Previous explanation: We are going to that trip by van. And Bosnia, for me, is maybe the most interessant country. It sounds really different, with war not many years ago, with a log of conflicts.. And I have the sentence "there is war in Bosnia" in my mind from when I was a child, so it sounds very interessant for me. And I had a comic about Srebrenica, an ong's project, but I don't remember wel...

------ Can someone explain here what happened in Srebrenica some years ago?-------

It's not a nice thing, and it's related to the war in Bosnia. All general info. about that war and specially about what happened in Srebrenica is a good answer. I don't know exactly so, if you can help me :).


This is all for now my friends! Keep on writing your comments!

Petons i abraçades,


PS: Oh yes, I almost forget it! I'm in holidays already!! I've finished my exams! And at least the second one was good! So, I feel better after a terribly difficult exam that I'm going to fail.. :( (that was the first subject. I'm following two. It seems not much, i know, what these have each one more than 300 pages of theory!! in english!!). Good luck for you too!

Friday, January 12, 2007

English 100% // we start with the question of the week!

Yes, this stupid title because now that I've done an exam in english, I can say it. If a subject is fucking difficult, more related to another career (telecommunications in this case) than the one you're doing, all the material in english, without any kind of old exams to have a reference how the exam style will be, and you even, of course (faltaria més!) have to do the exam in english (yes ok, you have studied it in english, but anyway!), then if you pass you are god! At least my god, because after this experience I'm probably going to fail my first subject. Yes, this is a confession, and, as it is my nickname in msn, if u haven't been fucked up in the FIB (faculty of computer engeneering in barcelona), don't worry, in Belgium they will do it with pleasure.

jajajaja, after this "victimism" paragraph, which tries to cheer me up for failing (mmm.. maybe...yes.. there is a chance.. who knows...sometime it happens.., and i can pass, but is difficult).


So, after a funny newyear's eve in the center of Gent eating grapes (catalan&spanish style, you know) and then to a kot-party (like the one I did. --> see old post). It was nice, with free drinks, not many people in the party,.. And we were a nice group with belgians, polsks (polish people. how do you say that, Kasia?), hongarian,Slovaka (from Slovakia, right?).. In fact we were only seven, but in that party we met other people from the ESN (erasmus students network). So, really nice, but nothing really special (as every newsyear's eve, for me). Well, yes. Special this time because it was abroad, not in Barcelona :-). And that was a new experience!

And after that, studying and studying, with a beer from time to time (jejeje, something impossible to avoid!) and lunchs with Kasia or dinner with the catalonian comunity (every day smaller, snif.... Mercè and Joan left, Agnes and Anna will leave within a month... snif..) or with Laura.

I m'he comprat uns auriculars-micro!! :D. Ara toca en català carai, pk és amb vosaltres amb qui ho vull fer servir. I com ja em vaig comprar la web-cam a barna, ara ja ho tinc tot per fer videotrucada xl msn o x l'skype, i tb trucades només de veu amb "VoIPbuster". Baixeu-vos-el de la plana oficial i agregue-me (el meu nom d'usuari: Meant), que a més es poden fer unes quantes trucades gratis a numeros fixos! :D. I amb la merda pc que tinc, akest programa em va millor que l'skype, que xupa molta RAM.


Previous explanation: This last week i've seen the movie "Braveheart", a wellknown movie for most of you, but which I hadn't seen. I really liked it (except for the end..., But I supposed that was going to be the end), but I have a little doubt (maybe easy to solve through internet, but I want to show myself that friends can provide also a lot of information.

Question: Is Braveheart based somehow in real facts?? What do you think?? Està basada d'alguna manera en fets reals?? QUè penseu?

And, of course, some extra pictures!

Chicken in Christmas :D