Back to normal life!
After the celebrations, the presents, the euphoria, the begs for more parties... jejeje, I had to start studying. Yes my friends, my few subjects are really hard and have a looooooooooot of theory, so I better start taking it seriously. At least a little! So starting this last week, I've studied 3 hours per day, normally the range of hours that before I spent for the dutch course: from 13.30 till 16.30, moreless. I can get up late, eat lunch with my neighbours and in the afternoon I still have time for other activities. And of course I can go out :D!
The week has been quite good. With lunch in Lidia's house on tuesday (by the way, nice appartement!), lessons in Monday and Wednesday, relaxed (but with a lot of pintjes!) night in the erasmus party on wednesday with Gabriel, Iñigo (cousin) and Gaika (friend).
On thursday staying at home with Laura, and on Friday very nice party in Gabriel's appartement. He's living in one week!! But first he wanted to give a party ;). Nice people, nice place...
And yesterday night (saturday), as a lot of people were in "De Ardennen" (grrrr I couldn't get a place), I met Agnès and Mercè, and finally we had the "llenties" evening! Mmmmmm... delicious!! We have to repeat that! I attach here some photos of it.
And today, in 12 minuts, starts the recording of the first sample of "Marranes", the funky international band of Gent, with me in the drums, of course (h) xDDD. Uoooooo, I'm nervous!If you would like it a copy when is finish, ask me!
What's up next week??

Una foto del senyor que ens deixa. We will miss you, Gabri!
The week has been quite good. With lunch in Lidia's house on tuesday (by the way, nice appartement!), lessons in Monday and Wednesday, relaxed (but with a lot of pintjes!) night in the erasmus party on wednesday with Gabriel, Iñigo (cousin) and Gaika (friend).
On thursday staying at home with Laura, and on Friday very nice party in Gabriel's appartement. He's living in one week!! But first he wanted to give a party ;). Nice people, nice place...
And yesterday night (saturday), as a lot of people were in "De Ardennen" (grrrr I couldn't get a place), I met Agnès and Mercè, and finally we had the "llenties" evening! Mmmmmm... delicious!! We have to repeat that! I attach here some photos of it.
And today, in 12 minuts, starts the recording of the first sample of "Marranes", the funky international band of Gent, with me in the drums, of course (h) xDDD. Uoooooo, I'm nervous!If you would like it a copy when is finish, ask me!
What's up next week??

I'm really sorry you couldn't come to the Ardennes (with also Vittoria Mercè and Agnes!): I have missed you!
I didn't like all the spanish people we met there: they simply don't care to know other people (if they are not spanish!)
What did you cook??
I wanna try it, it looks good!
(by the way, I have to study too, and, yes, Lidia's flat is very very very nice! Lucky girl!)
See you!
Kisses Chicca
Anonymous, At
One more evening and the demo is finished, and then it's all about spreading the word :-D
Anonymous, At
Hi quim,
the trip to ardennen was pretty nice and I know that they're going to do more or less the same next spring..
You'd better already start queuing up at ESN office....
Sorry you weren't with us... Lots of pintjes there... a lot!
Anonymous, At
Hola Kim! ja queden menys dies perquè vinguis per aquí, encara no m'has contestat el mail, ets un bandarra-marranu!
Cullons pavuuuu això sembla C.S.I. que saps des d'on ens conectem? fes un post i declara on coi estic ara mateix xDD
Són llenties de veritat?
a mi no m'ho semblen pas!
Vagi bé nene.
Anonymous, At
Ah per cert! amb aquesta perilla, la posse i el poster del fondu et donen peu a que et diguin spanish aquí bèlgica! jejejee q dolent soc
Anonymous, At
oh, llenties evening, genial!
però no tan com tu a la primera foto, és boníssima.
Anonymous, At
precióooos!!! acabo de veure que tens el meu flog als blogs del colegues :_) aix... quina emoció.
i jo sense postejar-te abans!
Anonymous, At
Pel verNEL: jajaja, CSI Gante, és la nova versió. Si prems a un botonet petit que hi ha al final de tot, que representa com una estadística, veuràs la mateixa informació que veig jo. I sense enviat un sms al 7777 amb el text csi.gante!! xDDD
I ves a saber on estaves, prefereixo no donar idees. I res de robar wifi als veins ehhhhhhhh xDD.
Ja queda menys, ja queda menys :D (qualsevol diria que m'enyoro xDD)
x l'anonymous: A part de ser el cabroncete que s'amaga, a més ets l'espavilat xDDD. Estava esperant a veure qui es donava compte del poster de darrera. Ei, que no l'he pas penjat jo ehhhhh! El que sí he fet ha sigut tapar-li la cara a l'assassí amb la recepta de la sangria xDD. QUina metàfora, eh?
x l'AA, A al quadrat o simplement Anna ;o) : (te'n posaré una còpia al teu fotolog, si no està col·lapsat ja! jejej )
Ja deia jo que no podia ser... l'anna m'estava col·lapsant el compte de correu i no pas el bloc. Doncs el bloc també! I arrivada triomfal, x partida doble xDD. QUe ja m'agrada, ja!
Com la claves amb els teus correus. Que si el primer paràgraf, que si les cançons, que si... (una mica de privacitat, no? juas juas jaus)
Però m'has sorprès molt, que consti! Però, sense que soni a càstig, sinó tot el contrari, em sembla que no et respondré el mail (el Nel s'emprenyaria, que es creu que va primer jejeje), però no xl verNel, sinó pk són coses que demanen massa parlar-ne cara a cara, assaborir-ne els detalls veien les faccions de l'altre, les reaccions, l'espontaneïtat.... ai l'espontaneïtat. Com la trobo a faltar (culpa de no poder tenir les esmentades converses cara a cara. Carai, aixo ja podria ser un post nou per si sol. Ja saps que passa Anna, quan t'escric un mail. Aquí passa el mateix xDDD).
Així que possiblement fagi resposta curta en espera de conversa LLARGA a bcn. Però estic flipant, que consti xDDD
xl NEL, altre cop : m'he oblidat de dir-te que les llenties era de debò, "Gigante Verde", importades de Murcia com a mínim xDDD. I em sembla que són les més delicioses que he provat mai. A veure si vens i coneixes les cuineres! O a veure quan em cuines unes llenties tu, experto de les llenties jo jo jo jo.
Petons xls tres! (x l'anonymous mig, que no sé qui és, i potser és una bruja amb verrugues x tota la cara!) osti, osti, estic igual de malament avui que quan vaig escriure akell primer paragraf xDDD.
Quim, At
ola wappoooo
u are right!!! we have to start to study.. i even didn't go to the ardennes for studying..
mamma mia!!!!
But I'm hapyy to have had the opportunity to say bye to gabriel, it's a pitty that his erasmus is alresdy finished.
SO.. appointement next semester to the esn office???
baci baci
PS i want to listen ur grouuupp!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, At
jo també "i want to listen ur grouuupp!!!!!!!!!!"
formentera de putíssima mare!
ja et passarem una crònica.
Anonymous, At
A veure Quim...
he arribat a la conclusió que has arribat al meu flog a través del de la srta nish, vaya una..i tu et fies dels seus contactes?
Si em coneguessis la teva resposta seria negativa.
El cas és que la foto del sr calvo la va penjas sense el meu consentiment...tot i que ven mirat se l'hagués donat de bona gana si m'ho hagués preguntat. Què més dóna si davant tinc una preciosa matricula americana!!??
Només et demano que no et quedis amb la imatge si algun dia ens hem de coneixer cara a cara.
pq....quan tornes de la terra de la cervesa?
Anonymous, At
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