Un cop ja complerts....
Pel pesat del Robet, apa, que és pesat de collons però reament es mereixia que pengés aquesta foto. De quan ell va fer els 20 anys, ara fa un any i 4 mesos!
Viejo, que ets un viejo!!! :PPPPPPPPPP

Already 20 years old, here some photos sent from friends, family, from the dinner with my neighbours and friends yesterday night, others..
Thanks to all the people that remembered it! It's really a special year, being in Belgium. And don't worry if you forgot, cause I'm the first forgeting the birthdays! ;) (Did I forget yours?)
Per tant, faig una crida: POSTEGEU (o envieu-me un mail) dient-me quan és el vostre aniversari, que me n'he adonat que els tenia apuntats en un calendari (no em demaneu memòria, ja ho sabeu), però clar, el calendari està a bcn! I sense actualitzar!
My parents :)
The little dinner... from left to rigth: me, Liesbeth, Sebastian, [crazy] Liesbeth, [groenten] Jinse, Kasia and Katrien. Kasia gave me a "colage", and my neighbours (Liesbeth, Jinse, Ellen and Stefan) a big pot of Nutella (jojojo), Two packets of Pim's chocolate (mmmm) and a pair of nice and thick gloves!! :DDD. And Katrien brought a chocolate cake, a speciality from her (just one of them!)

La Nish!! Merci x la presentació en Power point! Però la foto una mica antiga, no?? jejeje.
She is coming the third week of february!! You will see, the most terrible partying girl xDDD.

Somebody asked me a photo of Laura.. Here a funny one!!

I saw this one and I couldn't avoid putting it! What a nice couple xDD! We miss you here, Pablo!! xDD. ALthough, as you know, his real name is Eudald! You can see that Eudald had already drunk some beers when I took the photo... jejejej That was in the beggining of october! How fast time goes on!
I'm still waiting for your photosss, people! I va sobretot pels amics de casa ehhhhhhh, i va per tothom, ningú se'n salva!
Viejo, que ets un viejo!!! :PPPPPPPPPP

Already 20 years old, here some photos sent from friends, family, from the dinner with my neighbours and friends yesterday night, others..
Thanks to all the people that remembered it! It's really a special year, being in Belgium. And don't worry if you forgot, cause I'm the first forgeting the birthdays! ;) (Did I forget yours?)
Per tant, faig una crida: POSTEGEU (o envieu-me un mail) dient-me quan és el vostre aniversari, que me n'he adonat que els tenia apuntats en un calendari (no em demaneu memòria, ja ho sabeu), però clar, el calendari està a bcn! I sense actualitzar!

La Nish!! Merci x la presentació en Power point! Però la foto una mica antiga, no?? jejeje.
She is coming the third week of february!! You will see, the most terrible partying girl xDDD.

Somebody asked me a photo of Laura.. Here a funny one!!

I saw this one and I couldn't avoid putting it! What a nice couple xDD! We miss you here, Pablo!! xDD. ALthough, as you know, his real name is Eudald! You can see that Eudald had already drunk some beers when I took the photo... jejejej That was in the beggining of october! How fast time goes on!
I'm still waiting for your photosss, people! I va sobretot pels amics de casa ehhhhhhh, i va per tothom, ningú se'n salva!
It seems to be very messy:)!!
You put here everything, but it is very nice and comprehensive part. I like it...
...and hmm funny, almost all your presents you obtained are connected to chocolade, is it a little bit weird...;)??
You should write one day sth only about chocolade:)
See u soon,
Anonymous, At
jejejej In fact I thought the same while writing the post. Why almost everything chocolade? At least you gave me some Art! ;)
Quim, At
ohhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh
Ara si que puc escriure. :D
no esperava menys de la teva part... ja ho saps, amb carinyu!
Felicitats noiet (potser noiet ja no t'escau pq noiet denota petitet i amb 20 anys doncs...)
Pasa'tho molt bé, estudia poc, beu molt, pocs fills i molts intents... en fi, lo tipic xD
Cuida't nanu!
Anonymous, At
Iepa brother!!
M'ha agradat molt tornar a visitar el teu blog! T'envio algunes de les fotos del collage que et vaig fer pq les puguis penjar, ok? que riurem....!
Ens veiem aviadet! Has crescut?? T'ha sortit pèl al pit?? ;)
petonets des de la Riera,
your sister!
Anonymous, At
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