studying, but also
Poker nights
Someone got a vibrator for her birthday... jijijiji
Going to the laundary is still a pleasure... (well, only if you do it together with three nice girls ;-) )
And, of course, more visits!! Well, the last one, Júlia! Merci x la teva visita! estic esperant les fotos ehhh (encara que siguin en paper, escanejades, o com sigui, xo les vull!) que jo casi no en vaig fer! un petonàs guapíssima! (As you can see, she didn't expect the picture in that moment jejejej)
I les meves nenes catalanes!!! (why haven't I taken any picture with my camera?? fuck!) They are still here, till tomorrow (monday). Anna and Mercè! Agnès is missing. SHe already came back some months ago. Next time: Gentse feesten? vaaaaaaaa, que síiiii, come onnnnnnnnn!;)
Well, I have one, this picture (at least you can see Anna! Mercè is hidden behind Liesbet):

And conversations through skype for hours, preparation for Shagadelic Tour in Barcelona (does anyone know a concert were to play between 25 july - 1 august?), reading, dinners with friends, some party from time to time, nervous for someone coming back,...
Ala, salut! xDD

Well, I have one, this picture (at least you can see Anna! Mercè is hidden behind Liesbet):

And conversations through skype for hours, preparation for Shagadelic Tour in Barcelona (does anyone know a concert were to play between 25 july - 1 august?), reading, dinners with friends, some party from time to time, nervous for someone coming back,...
Ala, salut! xDD
què vol dir que veniu a barna a tocar quan no hi sóc...sniff
Anonymous, At
ehm... hem de parlar molt seriosament, quim...
jat cuntaré ;)
(aixi et deixo intrigat xD j0j0j0)
petons piranya!!!!
NiSh, At
Ostres! La noia que va a ratlles (a l'esquerra) de la foto de la bugaderia és clavadeta a la meva germana!!!
Anonymous, At
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