In the belgian tv
When the whole think it's a fake
Last tuesday (a week ago, then) first Jordi calls me: "Quim, I know you internet is broken. There is an e-mail for the erasmus asking for a catalan person in order to appear in a tv program and talk about the promotion of catalan in spain and europe. I don't feel for doing it, but maybe you would like to".
My thoughts "Mmm.. sounds quite interesting, why not. But now I'm playing tennis (finally!!) and afterwards I'm meeting a professor. I will decide later"
Anna Isabela (finally also in the sketch) also calls me, but she just speak with the "mailbox". Again the same message.

Finally when I'm with the professor, the channel tv itself (chanel "één") calls me. And they explain me what gonna be the sketch about: "The sketch is about soft porno in catalan. They will ask some questions about the promotion of catalan by soft porno. And after that you will the others participating in the sketch and you will together dub some porno"
N'hi ha per llogar-hi cadires!
the conclusion where we (the others participating and me) arrived is: They MISunderstood that catalan goverment is going to invest in the dubbing of soft porno movies into catalan, and then these movies will be spread (in catalan, of course) all over Europe! Incredible! jajajaja. Who the hell would pay for catalan porno if not is catalan? Anyway, we enjoyed very much doing this sketch (specially the dubbing seccion [" t'aturis, que aquí no cal pagar peatges xDD" o "Vine, que descobrirem les contrades catalanes. Anirem a Tavartet" jajajaja. això no s'havia vist (o sentit) ni en les millors èpokes de "Les exxcursionistes Calentes"] even if knowing that is was all a huge lie. Ai quin fart de riure!).
Here you have the article from a spanish newspaper. The real news that inspirated this tv channel from the little but cosy Belgium -->Article in the newspaper
My friends, till the next show!
Joachim (belgian style!)
(( I don't have any picture from when I was dubbing :(. Only videos jijijiji ))
Last tuesday (a week ago, then) first Jordi calls me: "Quim, I know you internet is broken. There is an e-mail for the erasmus asking for a catalan person in order to appear in a tv program and talk about the promotion of catalan in spain and europe. I don't feel for doing it, but maybe you would like to".
My thoughts "Mmm.. sounds quite interesting, why not. But now I'm playing tennis (finally!!) and afterwards I'm meeting a professor. I will decide later"
Anna Isabela (finally also in the sketch) also calls me, but she just speak with the "mailbox". Again the same message.

Finally when I'm with the professor, the channel tv itself (chanel "één") calls me. And they explain me what gonna be the sketch about: "The sketch is about soft porno in catalan. They will ask some questions about the promotion of catalan by soft porno. And after that you will the others participating in the sketch and you will together dub some porno"
N'hi ha per llogar-hi cadires!
the conclusion where we (the others participating and me) arrived is: They MISunderstood that catalan goverment is going to invest in the dubbing of soft porno movies into catalan, and then these movies will be spread (in catalan, of course) all over Europe! Incredible! jajajaja. Who the hell would pay for catalan porno if not is catalan? Anyway, we enjoyed very much doing this sketch (specially the dubbing seccion [" t'aturis, que aquí no cal pagar peatges xDD" o "Vine, que descobrirem les contrades catalanes. Anirem a Tavartet" jajajaja. això no s'havia vist (o sentit) ni en les millors èpokes de "Les exxcursionistes Calentes"] even if knowing that is was all a huge lie. Ai quin fart de riure!).
Here you have the article from a spanish newspaper. The real news that inspirated this tv channel from the little but cosy Belgium -->Article in the newspaper
My friends, till the next show!
Joachim (belgian style!)
(( I don't have any picture from when I was dubbing :(. Only videos jijijiji ))
Vaja vida que et continues donant! Gràcies per anar-te passant pel meu fotoblog de quan en quan, tot i que ho tingui tot plegat un xic abandonat.
Espero que l'estància continuo igual o millor fins a final de curs i comentar-te que...
AR estem buscant baixista! XD
Una abraçada molt forta maco!
Tornaré! :D
Unknown, At
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