Arrivederci! (italians, correct me!)
Is not a goodbye, is a "see you soon" (or a "arrivederci" or a "a reveure"). Not only for a few ones. The list is quite long. We don't need the names. We know all of them. It's really a pity, but we all knew when we dediced to do an erasmus.
I will miss all of you and I hope you visit us soon. There isn't much more to say. Just thank you for the experiences we had together during these months. Greating to your friends in your country, to your family, to your pets, and to your female friends that would like to know a Catalan guy jejej (Be sure I will visit you!! jejejej).
At the same time of the goodbye parties, I have a visitor, Nish, with me. Till sunday.
Que tremoli Gent!! La nish ha arribat per fer de les seves xDDD. No no, que ha vingut una mica reformada jejeje. Més detalls quan ja s'hagi acabat akest periple (diumenge), que llavors ja no em podrà fotre clatellots! xDD.
Bona sort amics! Good luck my friends!!

+ more people whose pictures I don't have!
I will miss all of you and I hope you visit us soon. There isn't much more to say. Just thank you for the experiences we had together during these months. Greating to your friends in your country, to your family, to your pets, and to your female friends that would like to know a Catalan guy jejej (Be sure I will visit you!! jejejej).
At the same time of the goodbye parties, I have a visitor, Nish, with me. Till sunday.
Que tremoli Gent!! La nish ha arribat per fer de les seves xDDD. No no, que ha vingut una mica reformada jejeje. Més detalls quan ja s'hagi acabat akest periple (diumenge), que llavors ja no em podrà fotre clatellots! xDD.
Bona sort amics! Good luck my friends!!

+ more people whose pictures I don't have!
i tant que la parienta et deixarà nar amb la fragoneta, sempre i quan no feu moltes marranades eh
petonàs kimot
Anonymous, At
ei, ke jo no et foto clatellots!!! xD
petons, i merci per tot!!
NiSh, At
si si, Arrivederci is correct!!
it is correct not only how u wrote it but also for the meaning!! in fact it means litterally "see u again" and in fact i want to see all of you again as soon as possible!!! when u will come again here in gent??? i cannot wait!!! and don't worry ehhh...'cause then i will come to visit u...Barcelona, Granullers ;PpPp, Valencia, Poland, Vilnus, Bratislava...and more and more!!!
thank u for the sharing time and the sharing life!!!
hasta pronto
Anonymous, At
Ei nene!
Com va tot?
m'enyores? jejeje
M'has d'explicar el viatget pels Valcans...a viam si ens veiem pel msn!
Jo estic planejant el viatge de setmana santa a Polonia amb l'Ari d'Arbeca.
M'he fet un blog així que a part de jugar a castellers i postejar erasmus i demés, podràs comentar algu en el meu:
Anonymous, At
Of course see you soon...
I am already in Poland...strange..
I have just arrived but want to go back Gent and to all that are important for me:).
Quim enjoy your next semester, flirt with erasmus, may be this period will be more orgasmus;)
Thank you for everything...
oki doki!!!!
Tot ziens,
Anonymous, At
juas noi! sóc un amic de reus de l'anna bonet i bueno que ara resulta que aquí a Bergen -on estic estudiant- hi ha una noia belga que et coneix!
Ciau! Cuida'm l'annetaaaaa
Anonymous, At
Bones Jordi (fes-me saber si llegeixes això),
Sí, l'Anna ja m'ho va comentar! Volia posar-me en contacte amb tu, pk a l'abril vaig de visita d'aquesta amiga meva a Bergen.
Ja la cuidaria a gust a l'Anna, però malauradament ja és a Granollers altre cop!
Així doncs, estaràs per Bergen del 10 al 17 d'abril? No sé, que no sigui ke tinguis previst fer algun viatge o quelcom, que als erasmus ens agrada molt... jejeje ;)
Quim, At
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