Roda el món i torna a camprodon! What means to go back home! xDD
Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaah people!
Back to Barcelona! Life here is not as different as it was before.. friends that aren't anymore with their boy/girlfriends, friends that now have a boy/girlfriend, family that continues the same, eating with the friends, going out with them, discovering Barcelona from a new point of view, horrible explanations in the blog!
Nothing else to say, just that I miss Gent! And some of its erasmus (and local people), of course! ;-).
Take care (and write [que vol dir escriure ehhh] xDD),
PS: normal arm again!
Back to Barcelona! Life here is not as different as it was before.. friends that aren't anymore with their boy/girlfriends, friends that now have a boy/girlfriend, family that continues the same, eating with the friends, going out with them, discovering Barcelona from a new point of view, horrible explanations in the blog!
Nothing else to say, just that I miss Gent! And some of its erasmus (and local people), of course! ;-).
Take care (and write [que vol dir escriure ehhh] xDD),
PS: normal arm again!
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Quim, At
ehteee... sóc el ganxo ;)
wapissiiiiiim!!! sí sí, estic en ple exàmens, ahir un, demà dos, divendres un... i depèn de com vagin aquests tindré el 19 un, el 22 dos i el 23 l'últim (recuperacion, si és que...)
quan acabi exàmens, el 27, me'n vaig a London, a visitar el meu cosí i a practicar l'anglès per quan pugi a veure't (si no... et necessitaria massa, x relacionar-me jejeje)
amés, potser em donen feina semi-fixa (pendent de sortir a concurs) de caps de setmana, de 3 a 10 de la tarda, lo cual vol dir dues coses: putada, perquè em serà més difícil fer aquestes escapades; ojupaligru perquè tindré un sou máh o menoh fix ;)
nen, per cert... BON ANY!!! (ja sé que jo ho dic sempre, és la meva filosofia, però calia dir-ho ^_^)
I doncs res més, espero que et vagi tot molt rebé i que estiguis en forma el 13 de febrer ;)
un petonàs, fins aviat!
Anonymous, At
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