Last goodbyes, last visitors till april, last carnaval parties..
Yeaaaaaaaaaah man!
Here I am again!
Goodbye parties are arriving to their end. This week a lot of people are leaving. Maybe not my best friends, but yes very interessant people who I would like to know more. But what can I do? Just hope that I will meet them again one day, in the future. Who knows! World is so small!
So, Nish was here from 13 till 18 of february. I already talked about that. Now just a picture. In fact the only one I have!! Nish, estic esperant les fotos ehh carinyu!! xDD
Peu de foto: La imatge de la dolçor i la innocència... oi ke sí?
Then 5 days for more goodbyes, dinners and meetings with the old erasmus. Very nice conversations till 5.30 in the morning :), and more that we will have! And also 5 days for starting a new subject, relax a little and plan the new semester. I also incrived myself for the 3rd level of dutch, but the group is full :(. SO, let's hope some people will drop out and I will be able to join it. The one in april-may is in the mornings, and afterwards is too close to the exams!! Let's cross our fingers, Michael! (We want to do it together).
And then, the weekend of 24-25 a new visitor, Adrià (In the photo with a guy from Cadiz, this saturday, in Jordi's party. yes yes, again. the third one xDD). Just a weekend, but he works during the week, so... But is very nice that someone who can only come for two days comes anyway! It makes me really happy. Gràcies Adrià! Ha sigut un cap de setmana, curt però intens, amb molta conversa interessant i profunda. Molta sort amb els propers mesos d'independència! He is already living on his own! Working and studying.

And now the last week with erasmus of the first semester. Next week will be definitely 2nd semester (in terms of erasmus people talking). For me a new period, making more close relations with the old ones staying and meeting new people.
And I almost forget! Sunday 18th night, carnaval in Aalst. With Jaume (crazy guy doing a project in Oudenaarde), a friend of him, and Agnès (last night with her. sniff..). Imagine streets full of dressed up people, with 80% of the guys dressed up like women!(it's a tradition there) jajajaj amazing! And very funny! We went by jaume's car so, was great to be able to come back when we wanted. We met a lot of people there. Just see the pictures!! xDDD
That's all for now! Let me know you have read this ;)
Petons i abraçades,

En Jaume lligant amb un ratolinet xDDDDD
Here I am again!
Goodbye parties are arriving to their end. This week a lot of people are leaving. Maybe not my best friends, but yes very interessant people who I would like to know more. But what can I do? Just hope that I will meet them again one day, in the future. Who knows! World is so small!
So, Nish was here from 13 till 18 of february. I already talked about that. Now just a picture. In fact the only one I have!! Nish, estic esperant les fotos ehh carinyu!! xDD

Then 5 days for more goodbyes, dinners and meetings with the old erasmus. Very nice conversations till 5.30 in the morning :), and more that we will have! And also 5 days for starting a new subject, relax a little and plan the new semester. I also incrived myself for the 3rd level of dutch, but the group is full :(. SO, let's hope some people will drop out and I will be able to join it. The one in april-may is in the mornings, and afterwards is too close to the exams!! Let's cross our fingers, Michael! (We want to do it together).
And then, the weekend of 24-25 a new visitor, Adrià (In the photo with a guy from Cadiz, this saturday, in Jordi's party. yes yes, again. the third one xDD). Just a weekend, but he works during the week, so... But is very nice that someone who can only come for two days comes anyway! It makes me really happy. Gràcies Adrià! Ha sigut un cap de setmana, curt però intens, amb molta conversa interessant i profunda. Molta sort amb els propers mesos d'independència! He is already living on his own! Working and studying.

And now the last week with erasmus of the first semester. Next week will be definitely 2nd semester (in terms of erasmus people talking). For me a new period, making more close relations with the old ones staying and meeting new people.
And I almost forget! Sunday 18th night, carnaval in Aalst. With Jaume (crazy guy doing a project in Oudenaarde), a friend of him, and Agnès (last night with her. sniff..). Imagine streets full of dressed up people, with 80% of the guys dressed up like women!(it's a tradition there) jajajaj amazing! And very funny! We went by jaume's car so, was great to be able to come back when we wanted. We met a lot of people there. Just see the pictures!! xDDD
That's all for now! Let me know you have read this ;)

En Jaume lligant amb un ratolinet xDDDDD
uops, I forgot! Kasia is coming in 3 weeks :)!
And a reggae party this friday!
Tot ziens,
Quim, At
Big up Funky-perruca style!
Mooooola, jo en vull una nen!
Vagi bé, ens veiem per aquí
Bernat, At
I haven't seen you for two weeks and what happened...your new hair;).
Nice nice, again all the time party...
All best and see you soon...:)
Anonymous, At
joputa, mira que posar aquesta foto... ju :(
escolta, estic esperant a coincidir amb tu per enviarte les fotos... okupen massa i gmail nom dixa :(
i recorda d'enxufarli el gorro a algun catala!!!
NiSh, At
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