i el sol sortí...

Doncs sí, pk avui, 2 de març del 2007, el sol ha decidit brillar a Gent. D'acord, ahir ja va brillar per primer cop després d'una setmana terrible de pluges, però ho va fer tímidament. Avui ha sortit valent i fort Això sí, mai arribant al nivell del sol mediterrani --> Has someone ever seen a belgian sky without ANY cloud? A completely blue sky? Me definitely not.
But Quim was happy sutdying a little bit of dutch in a banch, feeling the effect of sun. I must refresh my dutch if I want to follow the level 3!

And this is my face while enjoying the sun. First time in months! The other times that the sun shined, it wasn't that "powerful".
Remember the route we did:
·Belgium --(plane)--> Venice
·Venice --(train)--> Ljubljana (Slovenia)
·Ljubljana --> Pula --> Rijeka --> Zadar --> Dubrovnik --> Mostar --> Sarajevo --> Zagreb --> Ljubljana (all by van, 2070km!!)
·Ljubljana --(train)--> Venice
·Venice --(train)--> Belgium

Map of the trip (Well, my map of the trip. Everyday I was marking the route we were doing with the van, with the stops and the days). We also had a huge road map. We decided we're going to do 6 parts of this big map, one for each of the expedition :)
What a dream to be able to use one "pedalo", for free (it was from a people living there), in the croatian sea, between the islands and the coast..mmm...
Maybe the sky wasn't that nice in that moment, but before was better and the water wasn't that cold
The coliseum of Pula! The 4th oldest or biggest or most important, I don't remember xDD. But the 4th! After Roma,.. (Stefano, help?). Stefano is my italian helper xDD
Too many pictures this time! What do you think of them ;) ? So, I leave the pictures of the second part of the trip (these pictures are until before entering Bosnia) for the next time!
Tonight reggae party!! Dub, dancehall, jungle, ragga...
en primer terme: el "pollo office 2003"? i que diu aquest? jo no l'he penjat! jajaja explica'm explica'm que ara m'has encuriosit!
2n: feia massa que no passava per aquí... buaaa mil i una fotos i textos per llegir... que bé saber de tu ;) visca aquest blog!
3r: ja m'he llegit aquest últim! jaja genials fotos i gran periple pel que es veu!ja ens explicaràs més detallets, mooola!
4t: tema viatge... crec que el deixaré pel maig... he de mirar altra vegada preus i tal i qual pascual, però em penso que vindré de l'11 al 15? et va bé?
5è: ja t'enviaré un mail en condicions... aquí estic ocupant molt espai xD o continuaré "colapsant" el correo de castellers xDDDD o vaaa potser el fòrum ;P
un petonàs ben fort preciós!
cuida't i a gaudir!
Anonymous, At
xDDDDD esq em pensava que deies que et molava el comentari que feia un tal "pollo office 2003" xD
que mal...
bé bonic, jat confirmaré aquelles dates però el més segurés que sí ;)
un petonàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!!!!
Anonymous, At
Ei germanet! Feia molts dies que no entrava al teu blog! (tb fa bastant que no parlem....); i veig que tot et va tan rebé com sempre! Me n'alegro molt molt molt ;) Les fotos del viatge.... què guapes!!!! Jo tinc algunes novetats, a veure si podem parlar algun dia... Per altra banda.... en menys d'un mes ens plantem aquí "els fabulosos Pérez Riera"!! Ueueueueee!, ja en tinc ganes!, agafa forces per llavors...
Una abraçada petardo!
Anonymous, At
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