Lekker kookje!
I came back to Belgium... and the sun was still there! Nevertheless I missed the week of almost 30 degrees! But nothing happens, cause this week is gonna be 25 degrees :DDDDDDDDDD. Summer is here!
The trip to Norway was quite a heavy trip. "Heavy" not in a negative way, but meaning that was with a lot of (somehow) new experiences: Travelling alone (more than other times), sleeping in the place of someone that I met for first time (live) in that moment (thanks very much Anne-Sofie :D. You were very kind and discovering the erasmus atmosphere in Oslo was also great!), talking about relationships and feelings in a really honest way with one of the most important persons in my life, enjoying a kind of nature I had never seen bofore...
Back in Belgium, is time for visitors again (atenció al trident Ione-Marina-Anna A. (? confirma pliiis!) en tres caps de setmanes consecutius!), Barbecues, Coffe+Cookies in the sun in front of my building, Dinners in Vermeylen residence, and Belgian beers :DDD jo jo jo. Maybe I should stop a little bit with that.. I'm starting to have beer-belly xDDDDDD. But also studyingggggggg! Cause I have exam of dutch next wednesday and also a lot of practices of one of the subjects, and it requires to know the theory beforehand grrrrrrrrrr. But I can't complain ;). Oh, and I almost forgot!, Also more Shagadelic concerts!!! Take a look to our "myspace" (-->"Enllaços/links")
Take care my friends, and see you soon!
Jo aqui mmm...

The trip to Norway was quite a heavy trip. "Heavy" not in a negative way, but meaning that was with a lot of (somehow) new experiences: Travelling alone (more than other times), sleeping in the place of someone that I met for first time (live) in that moment (thanks very much Anne-Sofie :D. You were very kind and discovering the erasmus atmosphere in Oslo was also great!), talking about relationships and feelings in a really honest way with one of the most important persons in my life, enjoying a kind of nature I had never seen bofore...
Back in Belgium, is time for visitors again (atenció al trident Ione-Marina-Anna A. (? confirma pliiis!) en tres caps de setmanes consecutius!), Barbecues, Coffe+Cookies in the sun in front of my building, Dinners in Vermeylen residence, and Belgian beers :DDD jo jo jo. Maybe I should stop a little bit with that.. I'm starting to have beer-belly xDDDDDD. But also studyingggggggg! Cause I have exam of dutch next wednesday and also a lot of practices of one of the subjects, and it requires to know the theory beforehand grrrrrrrrrr. But I can't complain ;). Oh, and I almost forgot!, Also more Shagadelic concerts!!! Take a look to our "myspace" (-->"Enllaços/links")
Take care my friends, and see you soon!
Jo aqui mmm...

quimeeet, porto molta pressa així que nomès deixaré un post de senyals de vida...
no tem preocupis que ja fa dies que tinc els bitllets comprats ;o)
si tot va bé, vindré arribaré a bruseles dissabte 12 de maig a les 14:35h i marxaré dimarts 15 a les 15:15h. jajaja i pensar que encara no t'havia dit res...
poseso, que piro corrents i que un dia am calma et faig un mail com deu mana!!!
petonassos a... les mans? sisi, a les mans!
fins aviat!
Anonymous, At
Why only 4 pictures? I expected more;).
And next time take a picture of your beer-belly...jejejeje
There is also a beautiful weather in Poland so it seems everywhere there is a gorgeous summer...
Enjoy this sun with a book close to you..remember you've come to Belgium not only to drink a beer. Do I sound like a nerd;)...hmmm
I am curious about your concerts. I wish I could hear you:(.
Anonymous, At
Hola quimet:
Mira, que he rebut el teu mail i m'he aplicat el que em deies. Et deixo un mini-comment ràpid per donar senyals de vida... Quina nostàlgia m'ha entrat dels carrers de Gent!!!!!! No sé quan, però haig de tornar!!!!!
Una forta abraçada
And hello to everybody who is still in gent (or not) and will read this. How are you?
Anonymous, At
Estic esperant que em contestis el mail ehhhh :P.
I aviam si és veritat i ens fas una visita!! I si no sempre et que la "Gentse feest", amb concerts, ambient i festa per tot Gent yuhuuuuu.
Donaré records de part teva a la penya (que no sé si es passen gaire x akí xDD)
Cuida't mestre!
Quim, At
When are we going to have another Sunday's coffee????
I loved it!
Anonymous, At
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