Bon dia!
Bon dia, però no perquè faci bon dia, perquè porta setmanes fent un temps de merda, canviant tota l'estona de una mica de sol a ruixats, altre cop sol, altre cop super tapat,....
But holidays started! :D. It's strange, cause after just two exams (even if working hard), the sensation of holidays is not so big, and specially if everybody (erasmus people) are leaving this week :(. But also means big parties! THe last ones, but the biggest ones as well ;). Tonight party in the erasmus pub (the last one there), with Delirium Tremens for 1,5€ (Mmmm... I will miss belgian beer soooooo much). So, I can not promise to go home on my own jejejej.
But fuck the weather, we are not going to stay home. This afternoon guitars+jambé+saxo in the Graslei :D (graslei=next to the river, in the center of Gent). Coooool! Let's hope it doesn't rain....
Bon dia! I got with a very good feeling, with Enric's (the "saxophonist", half catalan) visit, having nice conversation and planning the musical-hippie afternoon. And we bought Gambas for a having a nice lunch tomorrow :DD.
And next week Madness is playing......will see If I can go, but I hope so!!
I also got nice news from Barcelona. It's nice to see that the people home still remembers you, and very important in order to overcome the post-erasmus sympton. Be prepared my friends, from 11 till 18 of july I will be there, with desire for partyingggg!
But now I have to think with these last days here, because I have to enjoy them! To begin with, Stefano is moving to my place (he doesn't have room anymore) the 3rd of july, and then the 3th or the 4th we are probably going by bike to Terneuzen, in Holland, where there is the first coffeshop (the closest one to belgium, in fact). Almost 40km. Can be fun! Specially when coming back xDD.
And just some pictures. One it's from the day I had to go home while it was pouring down (since last "Festes De Gràcia", when I was coming home by bike and there was a summer-storm, I didn't got a "real-shower" like that!). But rain is healthy, isn't it? jejeje.
Bufff, sorry for this caotisch post. I will be waiting for your comments :).
PS: Special greatings to Nines, alias la Cordovesa jejej, who left yesterday! We will miss your party-energy (entre otras cosas ;) ). She is the one in the picture with me, with the eyes very open, like surprised xDD.

Next time ---> Info. about Gentse Feesten and Shagadelic Barcelona-tour!!!
But holidays started! :D. It's strange, cause after just two exams (even if working hard), the sensation of holidays is not so big, and specially if everybody (erasmus people) are leaving this week :(. But also means big parties! THe last ones, but the biggest ones as well ;). Tonight party in the erasmus pub (the last one there), with Delirium Tremens for 1,5€ (Mmmm... I will miss belgian beer soooooo much). So, I can not promise to go home on my own jejejej.
But fuck the weather, we are not going to stay home. This afternoon guitars+jambé+saxo in the Graslei :D (graslei=next to the river, in the center of Gent). Coooool! Let's hope it doesn't rain....
Bon dia! I got with a very good feeling, with Enric's (the "saxophonist", half catalan) visit, having nice conversation and planning the musical-hippie afternoon. And we bought Gambas for a having a nice lunch tomorrow :DD.
And next week Madness is playing......will see If I can go, but I hope so!!
I also got nice news from Barcelona. It's nice to see that the people home still remembers you, and very important in order to overcome the post-erasmus sympton. Be prepared my friends, from 11 till 18 of july I will be there, with desire for partyingggg!
But now I have to think with these last days here, because I have to enjoy them! To begin with, Stefano is moving to my place (he doesn't have room anymore) the 3rd of july, and then the 3th or the 4th we are probably going by bike to Terneuzen, in Holland, where there is the first coffeshop (the closest one to belgium, in fact). Almost 40km. Can be fun! Specially when coming back xDD.
And just some pictures. One it's from the day I had to go home while it was pouring down (since last "Festes De Gràcia", when I was coming home by bike and there was a summer-storm, I didn't got a "real-shower" like that!). But rain is healthy, isn't it? jejeje.
Bufff, sorry for this caotisch post. I will be waiting for your comments :).
PS: Special greatings to Nines, alias la Cordovesa jejej, who left yesterday! We will miss your party-energy (entre otras cosas ;) ). She is the one in the picture with me, with the eyes very open, like surprised xDD.

Next time ---> Info. about Gentse Feesten and Shagadelic Barcelona-tour!!!
Hola esssaborío!!! As u know, I already started facing my post-erasmus depression and it was such a nice surprise to discover my beautiful face(hihi!!)on your blog. U know? I already miss u... I hope u'll keep on being the great person u have been so far. Keep in touch and hope to c u soon. take care and enjoy de gentse feesten cabrón! xoxoxoxo
Anonymous, At
thanks very much guapa! You know I feel the same for you (nos casamos, pues? xDDD).
En serio, eres genial, y no dudes nos veremos pronto ;)!
Un besazo!
Quim, At
Ei Quim! Només vull que consti en acta que sí he entrat al teu blog. De fet, vaig entrar ja fa setmanes, quan vaig tornar de Gent, atormentada per la mala conciència que m'havies creat :p I avui he tornat a entrar, aprofitant que t'he enviat unes fotillos de quan vaig estar per allà. Al fotoprix són tan moderns que, encara que els hi duguis un rodet de temps prehistòrics, ells et fan el revelat tb en digital.
Un petó i no estiguis trist, aquí t'espera la FM del Poble Sec!
ensaimadeta, At
HI quim!
DO you know that I'm coming???
DO you have a small place for me????
I'm so excited I'm coming back in Gent!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, At
cita l'11 al Razz ?
Anonymous, At
Ei guapa! Volia contestar-te al teu fotolog, pero ara resulta que només els fotologers poden postejar-hi (FEIXISTES!!). Aixi que et contesto aki, ves quin remei! I aprofito per dir que estic a PARIS :D. I que d'aqui surt el meu avio cap a barcelona. roda el mon i torna al born (o a camprodon. vaja, nomes si ets de camprodon, es clar).
En fi, que joder, que vull venir al razz el dia 11, pero el meu avio es x la nit! snif... quina mala sort! arrivo a barna a quarts d'11, aixi que me'l perdo segur. Pero si hi ha farra despres, doncs m'apunto ehhh. podriem anar a l'apolo jejeje doncs el dia 11 és dimecres (no faig servir gaires accents pk el teclat és raro).
Ja em direu el què!
Els d'AR ja saben que tenen tota la meva energia positiva!!
Un petonàs guapissima!
Quim, At
m'han xapat el fotolooooooooooog!!! M'has d'informar com fer-m'ho (jo mateixa... ains, ja m'estic liant... torno a començar xD)
m'han xapat el fotolooooooooooooog!!!
M'has d'explicar com puc crear un compte en aquests blogs!!! (ara millor, no?)
són uns feixistes de merda, me l'han xapat per demanar que el deixessin tal com estava... fills de puta...
petons piranya!!!! tespero el 16, eh!!! muacks!
NiSh, At
PS: ja tink blog d'aquests com el teu!!! j0j0j0 sóc més llesta del que tots ens pensàvem! xD
NiSh, At
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