Some eramus memories... (and some less nostalgic ones!)
It's a little bit stupid to find it now, just after my sweet belgian neighbours left.. so I decided to put it here, as some kind of a "thanking" present. I don't have pictures of these days, so I'm waiting for them!! (Even if you only took a couple of them jejejej. "Let's take a picture!" / "Were is the camera?" / "Mmmm... again at home" / xDDDD ).
The video was a very interesting "cream fight", with a great audience, always ready to make it funnier ;)

The other erasmus memory is this nice picture, taken at home, but it's a picture of something which was hanging in my Gent's room, and that evoluted during the erasmus, as a good report of "Income/outcome statement". The statement of the nightmare of every erasmus!!!

And the good moments with Bernat (and some others! Marta Salat :), 4 or 5 years later!)
in his cosy village close to Lleida, Arbeca.

Some other nice memories from Gent :) (I'm trying not to cry!) Thanks Marina for some of these great pictures!!

From the street, Shagadelic's rehearsal room, with the national drink in the way to our stomachs (and belly's jeje) I miss you all, beers! jejeje And I miss you more, shagadelic crew!!!

Res més? Anything else?
From my part... mmmm...yes, I have a subject in english!!! :D. So I can practice a little.
and from your part ?
Kasia is coming the 18th of october!!! :DDDDDDDDD
The video was a very interesting "cream fight", with a great audience, always ready to make it funnier ;)
The other erasmus memory is this nice picture, taken at home, but it's a picture of something which was hanging in my Gent's room, and that evoluted during the erasmus, as a good report of "Income/outcome statement". The statement of the nightmare of every erasmus!!!

And the good moments with Bernat (and some others! Marta Salat :), 4 or 5 years later!)
in his cosy village close to Lleida, Arbeca.

Some other nice memories from Gent :) (I'm trying not to cry!) Thanks Marina for some of these great pictures!!
Res més? Anything else?
From my part... mmmm...yes, I have a subject in english!!! :D. So I can practice a little.
and from your part ?
Kasia is coming the 18th of october!!! :DDDDDDDDD
Boníssimes les fotos!!!Els disfraços molen mil. La teva pinta de messies hippie no té pèrdua! i la Marina de Xinesa no està gens malament!
Salut, gran estiu que t'has pegat!
Bernat, At
Ai ai ai ai ai!!!! nostalgia!!!
I m happy to hear that kasia is coming to visit u!! U where all the time together!say hi to her from me and that she s wewlcome in italy too!!! so what about february and march??? are u planning smt? I have a car tooo!!!! (even if it's a little old fiat panda)
Good luck for these yea of studying!!
See ya friend!
Anonymous, At
Les samarretes que portem la Marina i jo ens les vam fer nosaltres mateixos :DDDDDD.
Bona festa, ahir (divendres de la mercè) nit ;).
Vickyyyyyyyyyyy, the only erasmus posting here!! (it's to make some pressure to the others, but in fact it's true for the last posts)
mmmmm... fiat panda jajajaj!! It's a great car xDDD. If you have to make a trip arround italy, it has to be with a fiat panda!! It's more "authentic". Per favore!!! jajaja
Thanks!! I will give your greatings to her!
Quim, At
We miss you to Quim!! Really, rehearsal and bandevents are different! Your pictures from Barcelona are on their way :-)
I really hope you have a good time in Barcelona, and please come back to Ghent once, just for the beer :-p
Unknown, At
I really miss the band too!! It was a nice "project", and now it eill very difficult to find sth like that, specially because it worked, we were friends, and I want to continue playing funk :).
Nice to know that the pictures are coming :DDDDDDDD!! I'm working on the video, but it doesn't depend on me. I will ask Bernat everyday, until he gets it and so I get it.
of course I will come back to gent, but not (only) for the beers!! Shagadelic, other friends, beer, the city, memories everywhere, the weather (jo jo jo)... :-).
I hope shagadelic continues working as good as before, and that good gigs are coming! Let me know when and I will try to come in that dates!! But starting in 2008, I can't travel before (I have a lof of work from university).
Good luck dear friend!
Quim, At
Hi Quim,
Great Pics!! Erasmus memories time!
If you are planning to visit italy, i can give some support when you're in the nearby. Unless you dont want to come here twice... :p
Good luck with the drums and school
Hope to see you soon
Nicolò "the (very) serious guy":P
Anonymous, At
yes, the "really" serious guy xDD. The only real thing about your "seriousity" is that with you it was very easy to have serious nice conversations. So I will have to come to italy to have some more ;-)! I really have to plan sth, but it depends a lot on when I finish my exams, on if I take a "php" programming language course (for making great websites!!!) in february, on when I start with the thesis and on Stefano, who would provide the car jejejeje.
Anyway, meanwhile you can come to barcelona ;-)!! Now if re-discovered a belgian bar! It's great, I can practice my dutch with the waitress (called Sara jeje) and they have leffe blond or bruin (van het vat!!! :D) for 2,5€! And a lot of other belgian beers!
So, no excuses ;)!
Good luck for you too,
The (very) sexy guy (xDDD),
Quim, At
here i am finally!!! took long time to come here for me!!! more than other times!! sorry man!!!
i am always sorrounded of gent's memories in my room!! there is never a day when i don't think of gent, of all friends and of the great things we had!!!
yaaayyaaa...belgian van het vat beer...i sure do miss it!!!
i will have terms' schedules in few days, so i hope that we can organize ur visit!!! will start soon!!!
good luck with php programming! my next course will be SQL, so we can make a nice long distance project!!! =)=)
take care quimet!!!
hug u!
hope to share some more life with u very soon!!!
Anonymous, At
Mare meva! Hi ha videos per un Tubo, pero jo crec que haurien d'estar al PornoTube!!!
Bandarra Bassotti Power!!!
Bernat, At
M'alegro de que t'hagi anat tant bé l'experiència de l'Erasmus!! Em fas venir ganes de marxar! a veure si l'any que vé... o potser l'altre, no se no se...
I a que esperes a actualitzar?
Muakarrinets nanu!!
((aquí va el meu primer comentari al teu bloc!))
Anonymous, At
ciao quim...i'm daniele!
how are you? nostalgic blog..!!
so...wait for me...i'm coming in barcelona in the beginning of the new year!!
see you soon (i hope)!!
dax, At
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