Everybody, needs somebody!
And I needed somebody from Barcelona, some news from my land, because I was missing a little bit the people from there. And I got what I wanted, but 5 times!!jajajaja.
You (friend in belgium) don't know who is who.
Typical erasmus friend of Quim: "Your name was Ione, right?"
Marina: "No no, that was the previous visitor. I'm Marina" xDD.
Ok, ok, it's not a real situation. It didn't happen, but it can happen within some weeks, cause after Ione and Marina, Anna Alba (x si sempre tindràs un nom compost, i ben maku que és :) ) and Robert are coming!! So, 4 weekends in a row with 4 different people (Flipa colega!). But I love to have all of you here, really :)))))))))). And also Júlia, two weeks later!
So, these last weeks have been a little bit chaotic, because while having visitors I tried to continue doing the activities I normally do (or I was planning to do):
·Federer vs Nadal, or what is the same, Phillip versus Quim (tickets for the big final will be available soon)
·Nice Barbecue in the park (and another one in the Blaarmersen, which was gonna be wonderful, but finally they fucked us up [I don't want to remember it])
·A little bit of turism. That's the positive thing of having visitors. If you convince them to go somewhere you haven't been either, then you are also in holidays ;). With Marina we visited Lille!! And went there hitchhiking! Well, finally we had to take a bus, what it was a nice adventure :). Marina, I'm waiting for the pictures, and I know that my lovely audience (YOU, READER) too!
·Studying. So, mmm...yes, ..a little, you know.....
· ?? what else? Do I forget anything, erasmus-mates?
There was just one sad thing in this two weeks, and it was the independence of America. Yes, my friends, it's not 4 july but the USA decided to become independent. At least independent from her friends from Gent. What is the same: Kat, my God-bless-America friend left. The person seeming the most erasmus and being not at all erasmus. An special case, for what I've just said and also because she didn't have an american flag in her room. Can you believe that???? My god!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I will miss you, your kindness, your cooking abilites, your cake, your way of laughing, your funny stories and your appartement in the red-light district. And remember I will come to the land of the oportunities! Just to tease you a little bit :P.
I think it's quite enough for now... could you please post a little bit? Just to know you read this. I feel stupid thinking that maybe no one reads this xDDD. Well, I know some people do it. These are the ones who will go to heaven. I'm sure about it.
Whatever you want, you know where I am!
Geniet ervan,
PS: per cert, em trec el barret pels 70.000 manifestants a València en motiu del 300è aniversari de la batalla d'Almansa. Amunt, companys del sud!!

Now I realize that I forgot to say that we went to Knokke, to the beach!! It was a little bit windy, but was nice anyway!